Embodied Inquiry as a research method

This is an extract from a guest post Dr Jennifer Leigh and I wrote for the SAGE MethodSpace to outline some of the principles of Embodied Inquiry. 

Article: Increasing students’ engagement with reflections

This article seeks to explore the nature and depth of students’ engagement by providing an example from a teacher education programme.

Chapter: Centring imagination in teacher education

The chapter offers reflections on how imagination can be nurtured in the practice of teacher education.

A conversation about creative and art-based methods in research

This entry shows the edited outcome of a video-recorded conversation regarding the use of creative and art-based methods in research.

Global Innovation Awards 2016: Winner Academic Integrity

This is about the Global Innovation Awards 2016, in which I have been nominated the winner for the Academic Integrity category.

Types of plagiarism

Irrespective of the types of plagiarism, ultimately plagiarism is a punishable offence. Therefore, it is a good idea to get fully acquainted with the different types of plagiarism in order to be able to effectively avoid difficult situations. You are best advised to err on the side of caution and therefore credit too many authors and originators rather than not crediting others enough. Plagiarism is not a trivial offence, but theft and will be treated as such, irrespective of whether or not you plagiarise intentionally or unintentionally.

Lesson plan templates

Download a lesson plan from here

Challenges in bilingual families no one tells you about

Bringing up a child bilingually is a conscious decision, but there are issues and challenges that bilingual families encounter that are not mentioned in any of those handbooks or parent guides. Knowing about these might have had led to fewer disappointments.