Collage of representation of yellow Covid virus on blue background, and words from newspaper articles. Words are: chaos, hundreds, fears, grief, infectious. In white ink: 2020, These are the days

Creative output: “Just one more time…”

This is an excerpt of "Just one more time...", a fictionalised account of real-life experiences during the first year of the COVID19 pandemic.
Screenshot of opening slide showing presentation title and contact details for Nicole Brown

The relationship between creative and participatory approaches to research

This is a presentation based on my article Scope and Continuum of Participatory Research. This video was recorded for the MPE/MeCCSA Practice Network Symposium 2021.
Image of concentric circles in different colours.

Creative output: Participatory research: Full ethical approval

This poem about full ethical approval is the outcome of poetic inquiry and analysis within Embodied Inquiry from my research with academics.
Image of one slide from the presentation depicting a quote from a participant: Invisible disability in the academy is exhausting, peers & work conditions constantly overlook my needs. They have difficulty grasping fluctuations & often it's easier to just shrug off my needs.

Choose to challenge: The experience of disabled women in higher education

This post is a link to a recording from my International Women's Day keynote presented on the 8 March 2021 at the University of Manchester.
Image of a box with a pillow and stuffed animal holding tablets.

NVivo Podcast Episode 13: Participatory research methods

I was invited to contribute to the NVivo Podcast Between the Data. My contribution was published as Episode 13 "Participatory research methods with identity boxes, photographs and Lego".
Lego model with connecting threads

Supervising PhDs: Creating a sense of belonging

This is an extract from a guest post on the Supervising PhDs Community Blog, which I co-authored with Dr Jo Collins from University of Kent. In the post, we explore what research supervisors can do to help develop a sense of belonging amongst their doctoral students.
ice cubes

Ice breakers: starting lessons or meetings

This post is about ice breakers, and how we can plan for starting a session effectively without distracting from our contents.

Chapter: The embodied academic

In this chapter I explore my journey from a secondary teacher to teacher educator to lecturer, a journey that signifies for me the transition from a teacher interested in embodiment to an embodied teacher and finally to an embodied academic.

Guest post: Creativity in the Curriculum – An Exam Production-Line

In this guest post Dr Helen Ross reflects on the exam production line of our current school system.

Emotions and the role of reflexivity in qualitative research

Workshop to explore the role of the researcher and more specifically, the researcher's emotions within the process of qualitative research.

Article: Partnership in teacher education

This article is an example of student-staff collaboration within the community of practice of trainee teachers.

PASAR Connecting Communities conference

This is my contribution to the PASAR Connecting Communities conference, which was held in November 2017.

Book Review: Against Plagiarism – A Guide for Editors and Authors

This post links to the review of the book "Against Plagiarism - A Guide for Editors and Authors".

What is fibromyalgia?

This is a brief introduction to fibromyalgia, an invisible illness causing pain and cognitive dysfunctions.

Proofing and editing

At University level you are expected to have checked, re-checked, edited and proofed your assignment several times. Each time you read through your work you should focus on a different aspect of your writing.

Reflective model according to Kolb

This is a brief description of Kolb's reflective model.