journal: 48 Results found.

Cover slide from the presentation.

In conversation with REA (Research Ethics Association)

I was asked to an “in conversation with REA”. The Research Ethics Association (REA) brings together academia, industry, and local organisations across all disciplines with the aim of promoting and implementing cross-discipline research ethics,...
Image of the cover for the book "how to make the most of your research journal": a journal surrounded by items used for journaling

Author talk: Making the most of your research journal

As part of the fabulous Phd Life Raft symposium organised by the magnificent Dr Emma Brodzinski, I was invited to an author talk about my book Making the Most of Your Research Journal. It was a great pleasure to oblige, and I thoroughly enjoyed that...
Image of the cover for the book "how to make the most of your research journal": a journal surrounded by items used for journaling

Keeping a research journal that works for you

This is an extract from my contribution to the LSE Impact blog discussing how to keep an effective research journal, thereby busting some of the myths surrounding research journaling.
Slide cover depicting text "Journaling: do you want to pug in or unplug?"

Research journaling: Journal across boundaries

This is a recorded conversation between Dr Janet Salmons of MethodSpace SAGE and Dr Nicole Brown explaining how to journal across boundaries. This video is similar to the one that we recorded for the NVivo conference Transcending Boundaries in Qualitative...