Assessments: Letting students decide on their assessments This is a link to a video for UCL Digital Assessment that explains how in my module we are letting students decide on how they want to be assessed.
Assessments: Letting students decide This is a link to a UCL MicroCPD video that explains how in my module we are letting students decide on how they want to be assessed.
Working in academia with a disability: What is it really like? The Diversity Network asked me for an interview to answer the question: what is it really like to be working in academia with a disability?
Position papers for BERA (British Educational Research Association) Here I share my two position papers written as part of the review of the ethical guidelines for the British Educational Research Association.
Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic This is an extract from my contribution to the LSE Impact blog exploring lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Accessibility in higher education: key principles This is an extract from my contribution to the LSE Higher Education blog exploring key principles to ensure accessibility in higher education.
Disclosure dances: The experience of PhD students with invisible disabilities in higher education This post is a link to a recording from my presentation "Disclosure Dances" presented on the 30 June 2021 at the UCL Institute of Education.
Dr Nicole Brown Please, download my full CV from here. I am Director of Social Research & Practice and Education Ltd. and I work at University College London and London South Bank University. At London South Bank University I currently lead the two EdD...