reflective model: 21 Results found.

Image of the cover for the book "how to make the most of your research journal": a journal surrounded by items used for journaling

Keeping a research journal that works for you

This is an extract from my contribution to the LSE Impact blog discussing how to keep an effective research journal, thereby busting some of the myths surrounding research journaling.

LEGO® reflections in Higher Education

This is a guest post on the Advance HE website published after I had delivered a successful workshop at the HEA Annual Conference demonstrating how to use LEGO reflections in higher education.

Teaching international students

I have been asked about strategies for teaching international students. In principle, we should continue focussing on group work and sharing experiences and thus building collaborative, reflective practices. So the strategies I am presenting here for...

Creative methods – messy data?

This is to stimulate a discussion around boundaries of research, ethics and ownership of "messy data" resulting from creative methods.

What’s your message?

In this post I am asking "What's your message?". This is about teachers' behaviours and attitudes and how students perceive these.

Professional development portfolios

Many teacher training sessions and professional development courses nowadays link to or culminate in the compilation of portfolios. Portfolios are evidences and resources that are gathered and annotated systematically to provide an overview of the...

Writing entries in a reflective journal

Writing entries for a reflective journal is often a daunting aspect of teacher training, as we are not used to writing diaries. Here are some thoughts on how to get started with writing reflections.

Writing an action plan

How to write an action plan in order to improve teaching practice. An action plan should include targets, next steps and success criteria for it to be meaningful.