Source: NBrown
I am inviting you to take in part in my research project, “Representations of identity and memory”. I work with a wide range of creative research methods to get as close as possible to participants’ experiences and feelings and I believe in the participatory nature of research and the need for participants to make sense of their experiences.
The information sheet and consent forms can be downloaded from here.
If you have any further questions or you are interested in being part of this research, please, get in touch via email: nicole.brown@ucl.ac.uk
If you choose to participate in this research you will be asked to provide your story and experiences of identity through a photoshoot with and of your handbag and an interview. You will be asked to share your handbag and its contents in a photograph. The interview will be held as a phone or video-conference call, whichever method is most suitable for you. Usually, the interviews take about 45-60 minutes.
Data Protection Privacy Notice
The data controller for this project will be University College London (UCL). The UCL Data Protection Office provides oversight of UCL activities involving the processing of personal data, and can be contacted at data-protection@ucl.ac.uk. UCL’s Data Protection Officer can also be contacted at data-protection@ucl.ac.uk. Further information on how UCL uses participant information can be found here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/legal-services/privacy/ucl-general-research-participant-privacynotice
No personal data will be collected or processed. If you are concerned about how your personal data is being processed, or if you would like to contact us about your rights, please contact UCL in the first instance at data-protection@ucl.ac.uk.
This project has been reviewed and approved by the UCL IOE Research Ethics Committee
Full ethical approval for REC 1447
Data protection registration number: Z6364106/2020/12/11
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