Recommended readings – a reading list for creative methods
In this post I share my reservation about reading lists, and I share the articles, journals and books that I see as my "go-to" publications.
Disclosure dances: The experience of PhD students with invisible disabilities in higher education
This post is a link to a recording from my presentation "Disclosure Dances" presented on the 30 June 2021 at the UCL Institute of Education.
SAGE MethodSpace: Choosing creative methods for research
I was invited to contribute to the SAGE MethodSpace to talk about how I use creative methods, and why I use creative methods, given the population and the nature of my research.
Book: Ableism in Academia
The book "Ableism in Academia" provides an interdisciplinary outlook on ableism that is currently missing. Through reporting research data and exploring personal experiences, the contributors theorise and conceptualise what it means to be/work outside the stereotypical norm.
Teaching international students
I have been asked about strategies for teaching international students. In principle, we should continue focussing on group work and sharing experiences and thus building collaborative, reflective practices. So the strategies I am presenting here for teaching international students are merely a reminder of good teaching practice, as they will be beneficial for all students.
Chapter: Creativity and playfulness in Higher Education research
This chapter argues that higher education research can benefit from fusing existing methodological and theoretical paradigms with more creative, playful and artistic approaches.
Article: Exploring the lived experience of fibromyalgia
The paper reports on the lived experience of fibromyalgia, which used identity boxes and metaphorical representation to offer a holistic view.
Article: Preventing plagiarism and fostering academic identity
This is the link to the PDF version of the article "Preventing plagiarism and fostering academic identity: a practical approach" (Brown and Janssen, 2017).
Guest post: So we are all gifted and talented
Having read "Peak" guest blogger Craig Brown argues that gifted and talented provision needs to be reviewed.
What are “communities of practice”?
Thoughts on what constitutes and characterises communities of practice and what is required to make communities of practice efficient and effective.
Classroom management
The classroom is a place where learning happens and should be encouraged, therefore classroom management relates to the strategies a teacher can use to organise students' learning. According to Garrett (2015) classroom management can be considered in five categories: behavioural management and discipline, the layout of a classroom, rules and routines, the relevance of relationships and the importance of instruction. Good classroom management is proactive and about the students' learning.
Assessment as a learning opportunity
Many teacher training sessions focus on assessment but we do not spend enough time on discussing assessment in the sense of marking student work. We do not discuss the impact marking has on the students' learning and the teachers' workload, nor do we talk about how we could make marking more meaningful for our learners.
Methodology and methods are only part of the story of choosing a research framework. The way you go about collecting and interpreting data is strongly influenced by how you interpret knowledge and truth. This is about the epistemology. In simple terms, epistemology is the theory of knowledge and deals with how knowledge is gathered and from which sources. In research terms your view of the world and of knowledge strongly influences your interpretation of data and therefore your philosophical standpoint should be made clear from the beginning.
Benefits of bilingualism
Often as teachers we find it difficult to cater for all of our students' needs, but we should not forget that the needs may also be strengths. Here is a great visual that demonstrates the benefits of bilingualism, even if catering for English as Additional Language learners may sometimes feel an added burden.
Referencing and bibliography
A good essay acknowledges all the sources used. Read here about referencing and bibliographies.
Zoom course query
Contact form to enquire about the Zoom course offer on moodle.