exam: 71 Results found.

LEGO® reflections in Higher Education

This is a guest post on the Advance HE website published after I had delivered a successful workshop at the HEA Annual Conference demonstrating how to use LEGO reflections in higher education.

NADSN Position Paper

The National Association of Disabled Staff Networks (NADSN) has produced a COVID-19 post-lockdown position paper. In this paper, NADSN’s observations about the lived experiences of disabled people during COVID-19 are discussed alongside considerations...

Innovative research methods

This is a call for contributions of max. 8000 words to "Failures and fallacies of innovative research methods . If you are interested in exploring your failures and fallacies regarding innovative research methods submit your abstract here.

Teaching international students

I have been asked about strategies for teaching international students. In principle, we should continue focussing on group work and sharing experiences and thus building collaborative, reflective practices. So the strategies I am presenting here for...

Ableism in the curriculum

In this post, I explain what ableism in the curriculum is, and what we as teachers can do to counter ableism in the curriculum.

How much reading is enough?

I am often asked how much reading is enough? In this post I outline what you should consider in order to decide when it is enough.