teacher: 61 Results found.

Ableism in the curriculum

In this post, I explain what ableism in the curriculum is, and what we as teachers can do to counter ableism in the curriculum.

Providing feedback for learning

Providing feedback is important to improve learning. So here are some examples for providing feedback that foster students' engagement.

Learning from the Korean context

This post shows the Korean educational context and how I have discovered that you can be half-way around the world, and yet nothing changes.

What’s your message?

In this post I am asking "What's your message?". This is about teachers' behaviours and attitudes and how students perceive these.

Presentation from the KSSEE conference

The KSSEE (Korean Society for the Study of Elementary Education) had invited me to Seoul, South Korea, to give a talk about ICT in the Primary Curriculum in the UK.