Plagiarism workshop resources

Download some resources for a plagiarism workshop from here.

Types of plagiarism

Irrespective of the types of plagiarism, ultimately plagiarism is a punishable offence. Therefore, it is a good idea to get fully acquainted with the different types of plagiarism in order to be able to effectively avoid difficult situations. You are best advised to err on the side of caution and therefore credit too many authors and originators rather than not crediting others enough. Plagiarism is not a trivial offence, but theft and will be treated as such, irrespective of whether or not you plagiarise intentionally or unintentionally.

Lesson planning: The hook, a good starter

It may look simple to deliver the hook but in reality planning for the hook should not be underestimated, after all you need something very catching to get your students' attention so they become interested in your lesson.

Research posters

Download two examples of research posters from here.

How to create a research poster

Nowadays more and more emphasis is placed upon the impact of research. In many cases research students are even required to create a research poster as part of their thesis and enquiry submissions. However, how do you create a research poster?

The educational context

In teacher training there is a heavy focus on the educational context, but does the educational context really matter? Or is there a danger in being too reliant on statistical information relating to the educational context, in which we operate?

The Mosaic approach according to Clark and Moss

Alison Clark and Peter Moss developed their own way of carrying out research with children – the Mosaic approach. The idea behind the Mosaic approach is that researchers collect data through a wide range of means. These are what Clark and Moss consider "individual tiles". It is then the researcher's task to put these individual pieces together to form one big picture, just like many little tiles are formed into one big mosaic.

Which kind of teacher are you?

The result of a wide-ranging study provides an insight into the kind of teacher you may be. According to the findings there are four major types of teachers: the idealist, the moderate, the practitioner and the rationalist.


Methodology and methods are only part of the story of choosing a research framework. The way you go about collecting and interpreting data is strongly influenced by how you interpret knowledge and truth. This is about the epistemology. In simple terms, epistemology is the theory of knowledge and deals with how knowledge is gathered and from which sources. In research terms your view of the world and of knowledge strongly influences your interpretation of data and therefore your philosophical standpoint should be made clear from the beginning.

Benefits of bilingualism

Often as teachers we find it difficult to cater for all of our students' needs, but we should not forget that the needs may also be strengths. Here is a great visual that demonstrates the benefits of bilingualism, even if catering for English as Additional Language learners may sometimes feel an added burden.

Action research or case study?

When planning for a practice-based enquiry or small-scale study you will most often be confronted with the choice between an action research or case study approach. Here is a simplified exploration to get you started.

Manage behaviour in lessons

One of the most daunting aspects for new teachers is to manage behaviour in lessons. The dynamics of the classroom and the teacher's personality are probably key to how much classroom management you will need to do and which strategies you can use. However, there are some basic rules that you should consider and that will help you manage behaviour in your lesson.

Teaching empathy

Teaching empathy is crucial if students are to understand empathy as a concept in order to be able to demonstrate historical empathy, for example. Here is a useful resource.

Lesson plan templates

Download a lesson plan from here

Lesson planning – some recommendations

When observing experienced teachers in lessons or when looking at their lesson plans, the lesson planning process appears easy. However, once you start planning your first lesson you will soon realise that there are many aspects that you must take into consideration. Here are some recommendations to get you started.

Methodology and methods – what are they?

When preparing a practice-based enquiry or research you will need to ask yourself how you will answer your research question or test your hypothesis. The methodology and methods section of a proposal or write-up lays out these ground rules and approaches you take.