Article: The social course of fibromyalgia: resisting processes of marginalisation
This article reports an empirical study into the lived experience of fibromyalgia, which led to the identificiation of four forms of resistance against processes of marginalisation amongst those who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

Book launch: Making the most of your research journal
This is the recording of the book launch event to celebrate the publication of "Making the most of your research journal".

Creative output: “Just one more time…”
This is an excerpt of "Just one more time...", a fictionalised account of real-life experiences during the first year of the COVID19 pandemic.

Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
This is an extract from my contribution to the LSE Impact blog exploring lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Article: Systematic Visuo-Textual Analysis
This article presents the Systematic Visuo-Textual Analysis, a framework combining visual and textual data in a systematic, analytical approach.

Keeping a research journal that works for you
This is an extract from my contribution to the LSE Impact blog discussing how to keep an effective research journal, thereby busting some of the myths surrounding research journaling.

Research journaling: Journal across boundaries
This is a recorded conversation between Dr Janet Salmons of MethodSpace SAGE and Dr Nicole Brown explaining how to journal across boundaries. This video is similar to the one that we recorded for the NVivo conference Transcending Boundaries in Qualitative Research.

Accessibility in higher education: key principles
This is an extract from my contribution to the LSE Higher Education blog exploring key principles to ensure accessibility in higher education.

Embodied Inquiry as a research method
This is an extract from a guest post Dr Jennifer Leigh and I wrote for the SAGE MethodSpace to outline some of the principles of Embodied Inquiry.

The benefits and challenges of participatory research methods
This video about the benefits and challenges of participatory research builds on my original work presented at the PASAR conference in 2017.

Identity boxes: An art-based approach at a distance
This presentation video exploring identity boxes as an art-based approach at a distance was recorded for the virtual NVivo conference Qualitative Research in a Changing World.

The relationship between creative and participatory approaches to research
This is a presentation based on my article Scope and Continuum of Participatory Research. This video was recorded for the MPE/MeCCSA Practice Network Symposium 2021.

Book: Making the most of your research journal
"Making the most of your research journal" offers guidance and additional resources to make research journaling effective.

Article: Exploring experiences of ableism in academia
This article presents disabled academics' experiences and collective understandings of ableism as constructed through normalisation and able-bodiedness.

Wellbeing in Higher Education podcast: Ableism
I was invited to contribute to the Cambridge Centre for International Research podcast series to talk about the experience of disabled people in higher education and how to improve the situation.

Creative output: Participatory research: Full ethical approval
This poem about full ethical approval is the outcome of poetic inquiry and analysis within Embodied Inquiry from my research with academics.